Billboard Advertising in today’s world.

Is billboard advertising dead? This is the question we want to find out. But before we look at Malaysia, we need to look at the situation globally. So the first thing we do is, as usual, look into the research done by others. A study was conducted by Charles R. Taylor et al [1], which is about the use and effectiveness of billboards. The researchers tried to find out why companies use billboards as a marketing tool.There are a lot of reasons stated in this study but the main factor in choosing billboard is branding and location. However this is research done in 2006. What we want is the latest information.
Let’s look at another research conducted in 2022 by Altrjman et al [2], which aims to investigate the impact of essential or basic elements of the billboard advertisement on its effectiveness. Several studies were carried out seeking to analyse the feasibility and effectiveness of spending on advertising by identifying several internal or external factors that have a direct impact, from their perspective, on the effectiveness of advertising on billboards.
Experimenting Billboard Advertising in Malaysia
Based on these 2 research papers, along with others, we still haven’t gotten the answer to our question. So we’ve decided to do a little bit of an “experiment” for ourselves. We went to a location from point A to point B and took as many pictures of billboards as possible. Based on our observation alone, about 30% of billboards are empty in Malaysia. Below are some other photos we’ve taken.

The question you might also ask is, “How about digital billboards?”. Well, we have a photo of an empty digital billboard as well.

Significance of Billboard Advertisement
The question now is why there are so many empty billboards? Do businesses migrate to digital marketing? One could argue on the ‘effectiveness’ of marketing via billboard in relation to the cost of advertising it (Trust me, you wouldn’t want to know how much it costs to rent a billboard space for your advertisement). One could also assume that everyone got so busy with their daily lives that they wouldn’t be bothered to even have a glance at those billboards. Instead of paying for a service that nobody gives attention to, why not start spending in advertising digitally? Digital marketing can target specific customers for the products and services that a business provides. It also gets the job done quickly.
Despite all of that, what we can say from our observation is that about 70% of billboards are still being used by companies as a form of advertising. Who are these companies that are still paying for billboards advertising? Who are the big players in this industry? We will cover these topics in our future articles.
There are a lot of ways on how to do marketing. If you want a quick result and someone to handle the work for you, consider visiting us at Imbarobotics and we manage your marketing and advertising for you. We have a team of experts and combined 20 years of experience in this field to help you with your website Schedule an appointment for further consultation.
- Taylor, Charles & Franke, George & Bang, Hae-Kyong. (2006). Use and Effectiveness of Billboards: Perspectives from Selective-Perception Theory and Retail-Gravity Models. Journal of Advertising – J ADVERTISING. 35. 21-34. 10.2753/JOA0091-3367350402.
- Altrjman, Ghaiath & al-ali, Asaad & Momani, Raed & Al-Daoud, Khaleel. (2022). Moderating impact of billboard location and quality on the relationship between advertisement elements and its goals. Innovative Marketing. 18. 26-38. 10.21511/im.18(2).2022.03.